Attention Members
The Sunday 1/5/25 meeting is postponed until 1/12/25 due to forecasted weather.
Cincinnati scale
Modelnati 2024
Contest Registration and Model Entry Forms have been updated.
The 3nd Annual
'Boss Hog' Trophy
Sponsored by Mission BBQ, Mason, OH
for the model which best depicts
Heroism in Service to the United States

Cincinnati Scale Modelers is very proud to offer this unique trophy. "The Boss Hog" trophy reflects the cultural history of Cincinnati's importance as the pork producing capital ..."Porkopolis". It is sponsored by Mission BBQ, Mason, OH, which is well known for serving the Veteran and First Responder communities.
To qualify, your model must be representative of the United States.
Examples are:
a diorama depicting a Huey evac during Vietnam
a model of a firetruck which served on 9/11
a plane flown by or a bust of a Medal of Honor Recipient.
Use your imagination!
Any model can be entered in this Special Award Category including vignettes, dioramas, figures, busts and any single model
The model does not need to be military-oriented. The story of your model is what matters.
You MUST mark your model entry form were indicated under Special Award Category "Boss Hog Award"
You MUST provide a written explanation/story of your model informing the judges how it conforms to the theme and spirit of Act of Heroism in Service to The United States. Your explanation does not need to be lengthy
Back by popular demand, we will again be offering a Super Raffle (in addition to our regular raffle). In the Super Raffle, you will find items with a value of $75.00 or more!
Super Raffle
Back by Popular Demand!
Instructions for In-Person Registration
1. If you do not want to register online & pay in advance, you may still prepare ahead of time. You can download and print the following at your convenience:
MODEL REGISTRATION FORM (This is provided as a printable document to be filled out by hand OR a fillable PDF file which you can type and print)
2. Please read the FAQ for information on admission & fees. If you forget any of your forms, extra copes will be provided at the show.
Instructions for Online Registration
1. Before registering, please familiarize yourself with the CONTEST CATEGORIES & RULES
2. Please read the FAQ for information on admission & fees.
3. Complete either of the Model Entry forms for each model you will enter in the show. Each model on display must have an entry form.
4. When you are ready, please click Register Now below and follow the prompts.
5. After you submit your online registration, you will receive a TICKET / RECEIPT in your email. If you DO NOT receive one, please contact webmaster@cincyipms.com immediately.
Cincinnati Scale
Modeler's famous
"Model Medic"

I"m the Model Medic. I will be sitting by the contest tables ready and waiting to assist with your model emergencies. I have glues, tweezers, toothpicks, hobby knives, sprue cutters, cotton swabs & balls, and some limited paints. Enjoy the show, and good luck!
Shopping bags will be available at the Model Medic! Stop by and go shopping!
All other inquiries, general information, vending or sponsorship opportunities, contact
Should you require assistance with forms & registration, please contact webmaster@cincyipms.com